Le hameau du Peu Pintureau

The village of Peu Pintureau lies on the edges of the Limousin, Poitou and Berry regions, where the two languages of Oil (Northern France) et Oc (Occitan from the South) crossed paths right up until the mid-20th century. It is situated on a hill (Le Peu, meaning hill in Occitan).

The traditional architecture seen here is influenced by the three ancient Southern provinces : use of Roman tiles, Genoese, opening angles in granite, bricks or wood, small buildings for livestock and bungalows with granaries…

vue aérienne du Village du Peu et du rond de cirque

Divided by a network of hedgerows, the land belonging to the village comprises of fields surrounded by hedges, areas of wet grassland, tree groves, dry sloping moorland, ponds, farming plots and even some old abandoned vines and terraces.

Currently, this area is organised into a vast educational farm, a vegetable garden and a forest area, all approved for organic farming, and providing an excellent base for many of our nature discovery and immersion activities.


The blue and red footpaths are permanently accessible to visitors here. There are also numerous circular trails for horse riding, mountain biking (see VTT circuits), and hiking, which are available for group activities organized by our instructors. In addition, a tree ropes course allows for an unforgettable walk through the trees.

VTT sur un sentier ombragé

The protection of the countryside, the ecological management of the farm and the forests, and the development and maintenance of  the ponds all contribute to making this site a haven for nature, where a great many plant and animal species can be observed.

environnement préservé et fleurs sauvages

It is also the setting for cultural actvities and experiences, including our circus school, a sculpture park and temporary exhibitions.

Each year over the Ascension Day holiday, the village hosts our unique street festival, les ImPrO’bables.