Integration through economic activity

CPA Lathus is also a centre for social and professional integration.

As well as providing technical and professional guidance, the centre offers socioprofessional support, given by qualified professionals on site. These staff members are involved right from the beginning when an individual is recruited and starts work.

As a organisation that is authorised by the government to run inclusive job training schemes (Structure d’Insertion par l’Activité Economique or SIAE), our aim is for participants to :

  • develop or reacquire the skills needed to be employable ;
  • acquire personal skills that are relevant to many different work settings ;
  • develop the skills and/or abilities required in a specific profession.

The job training schemes are run in close association with a number of public employment agencies : Mission Locale Rurale Sud-Vienne, la Maison de la Solidarité and Vienne Emploi Insertion and Pôle Emploi de Montmorillon et CAP Emploi.

This programme is supported by the Fond Social Européen Nouvelle-Aquitaine.

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