Support to Local Authorities

Since its creation, the CPIE Val de Gartempe has sought to give support to the local authorities at all levels. By working alongside local councillors and consulting with all the involved parties and individuals, the CPIE has assisted local authorities with their project development (transition to Zero pesticides, heritage interpretation, promotion of natural sites, local awareness campaign).

Our involvement includes :

  • participation in local government committees (education, youth, finance, work schemes, tourism, planning, environmental protection..) ;
  • situation analysis, creating codes of best practice, joint analysis, project definition and decision-making support ;
  • mobilizing local support, mediation for local projects, leading project working groups ;
  • an inventory and identification of natural resources and landscapes ;
  • training plans for technical teams ;
  • showcasing and interpreting sites, writing educational guides, devising educational programmes ;
  • publicity and communication around specific events.

The CPIE Val de Gartempe also provides assistance to organisations involved in river management in the South-West (regions of Centre-Val de Loire and Nouvelle Aquitaine). The TMR network (River Technicians and Mediators) unites some 250 organisations in this area. It is supported by the regional governments of Centre-Val de Loire and Nouvelle Aquitaine and the water agencies of Loire-Bretagne and Adour-Garonne.