Training programmes
The CPA Lathus professional integration scheme runs a number of training courses in the local area.
The Core Skills training programme « Socle de compétences »
This was created in conjunction with the following training bodies : ACIF/APP, Montmorillon, Ateliers de la Forêt - APP Lusignan/Neuville, Cicérone, Civray.
The aim is for participants to acquire the basic skills and knowledge required for the workplace, including an introduction to digital technology. More information in French here !
We also organise technical training sessions for job seekers which give an introduction to the fields of park and countryside maintenance and working for a local authority.
Pre-registration is required at your local Pole Emploi, the Mission Locale (Centre or Sud-Vienne), or through Cap Emploi.
Agricultural sector : CAPA « Agricultural work : specialising in Horticulture »
As part of the Regional Public Training Service (SPRF), the Montmorillon CFPPA has subcontracted CPA Lathus to organise certain training sessions. More information in French here !
Working with other organisations that provide job training schemes, we are subcontracted by the CFPPA to run training modules (usually lasting 2 days) in skills such as map-drawing, planting trees and bushes, identifying plants.
Career kickstarter scheme « Amorce de Parcours »
Local employment advisors at Pole Emploi, the Mission Locale (Centre and Sud-Vienne) CAP Emploi and Vienne Insertion steer specific job seekers towards this course, which has three main aims for the job seeker :
to build self-confidence and self-awareness
to identify strengths and choose a realistic career path
to develop a career plan and find a position or suitable training course.
More information in French here !
And other training sessions are available upon request..
Safety at work : movement and postures - Broadcasting videos online – other subjects covered as required.
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