Governing Concil

CPA Lathus is managed by a Board of Directors, which is presided over by Fabrice Giraud, working with a permanent team of professionals managed by the Centre Director, Dominique Josso.

The Board is made up of 17 elected members and 2 ex-oficio members. The steering committee meets every month and the full board every 5 to 6 weeks.

  • Members of the steering committee

    Fabrice GIRAUD - President

    Eric DE TRAZ - Vice-President

    Jean-Michel GAUDIN - Vice-President

    Dominique LOTODE - Treasurer

    Martine BACHELLERIE – Assistant Treasurer

    Bénédicte BAUDOIN - Secretary

    Alain LAVERGNE - Member

  • Other elected board members


    Daniel CAPILLON


    Patrick DESMARTINS

    Christian GENDRAUD

    Lucette MALE

    Sophie RAYET

    Jean-Michel ROCHE

  • Ex-oficio members

    Gérard ABONNEAU

    Dominique JOSSO