Training courses for riding instructors

Training courses for riding instructors

The CPA Lathus training centre offers professional training courses in the field of horse riding instruction and equestrian tourism.

CPA Lathus also contributes to the teaching of the Bac Pro and Brevet Professionnel Equin courses run on the Agri’Nature site in Montmorillon.

Centre de formation BPJEPS Activitu00e9s u00e9questres

Regional Equine Centre Lathus -Montmorillon

The CPA Lathus riding centre partners with the Formation Agri’Nature Montmorillon site to form the “Pole Régional Equin”.

The goal of this partnership is to pool together all the skills and expertise available in the area to create a regional centre of excellence on all matters concerning horses.

Together, we are able to offer training courses related to equine breeding, education, and activity programming, but also equestrian sports, tourism and leisure.

Logo du pôle régional équin avec le centre équestre Lathus-Montmorillon