Camp précédent
Young animal trackers
Camp suivant
Multisport camp

Multi-activity camp

Sport and nature activities for 6 to 9 year olds

The opportunity to try out a wide variety of activities throughout the week.

If you choose the Multi-activity camp, each day you'll be able to discover, or rediscover, outdoor sports and activities, and cultural pursuits.

Among the sports activities there will be climbing, archery and pony-riding.

For nature-lovers, there will be nature discovery and farm activities.

You can also try out some circus arts and bring out your « inner clown ».

Enjoy a breath of fresh air (guaranteed 100% natural) as you experience a range of sensations throughout the week.

enfants près de la mare pédagogique
enfants avec poney
escalade au ROC pour un groupe d'enfants
course d'orientation autour de la ferme pédagogique du Peu

Activities available during your stay :

nature explorations, orienteering, bread-making, blowpipe shooting, pony-riding, climbing, aerial adventures (tree ropes), circus arts, farm activities.

Pricing information : from 299 € to 403 €

tableau des tarifs des camps 2021